Own your 24x7 live streaming channels with reliability and low cost
Around the clock live streaming can run up the bill quickly. Livepeer.com’s reliable infrastructure can help you grow the number of channels while keeping your costs down.
High quality, low cost streamingOur APIs leverage the decentralized the Livepeer network, providing 10x the cost savings compared to other cloud-based streaming solutions, so you can offer HD video quality and transcoding to all of your streamers without worrying about cost.
Easily host your own streamsOwn your content and your audience. Our easy-to-use API allows you to build your own live streaming platform with just a few API calls.
Multicast to social channelsSimultaneously stream into multiple destinations such as Youtube Live or Facebook Live, so your content can be pushed to where your audience is.
Audio-only live streamingInterested in creating audio-only streaming experiences similar to Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces? Ever think about building your own Internet radio station? Our audio-only API option allows you build just that.
Ready to get started?
Contact us anytime about custom pricing for your business.