Livepeer Video Services

PATCH update a stream

PATCH /stream/{id} can be used to modify a stream object. It is a single endpoint that can udpate any of the mutable properties of a stream. Specifically:

  • record

  • suspended

  • multistream.targets

For more information about them check stream object schema in Overview.

All fields in the request payload are optional, and any field that is not included will keep the same value as before in the saved object.

A 204 No Content status response indicates the stream was successfully updated.

curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d '{ "record": true }'
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d '{ "suspended": true }'
curl -X PATCH '{id}' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d '{
     "multistream": {
        "targets":  [
          { "id" :"0bf161f3-95bd-4971-a7b1-4dcb5d39e78a", "profile": "source" },
          { "id" :"95bd0bf1-61f3-a7b1-4971-39e78a4dcb5d", "profile": "720p", "videoOnly": true }
curl -X PATCH '{id}' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d '{
     "record": false,
     "suspended": false,
     "multistream": {
        "targets":  []