You understand that video transcoding will allow your content to reach more end users. You have been told that anyone looking to broadcast and transcode streaming events, concerts, webinars, and any other kind of user created content can use Livepeer Video Services in just a couple of minutes, free of cost. You know Livepeer Video Services has documentation with information that might help you get started transcoding your video. However, you’d still really like someone to walk you through that process in as little time as possible.
You’re in the right place, friend. Below is a step-by-step guide with screenshots of how to transcode your first stream through Livepeer Video Services, in 6 steps, and in under 5 minutes!
Go to and click on the "Sign up" button at the top-right hand side of the homepage. It will take you to Type in your email address (preferably your work email address) and a password of your choosing. Click Continue.
After clicking continue in the last step, you’ll see a screen with the following message: “Please check your email for a verification link.” Head over to your inbox and look for an email from The email will look like this:
Click on the "Verify Email" button. You will get redirected to your Livepeer Video Services Dashboard.
From the dashboard Home page, click the "+ Create Stream" button below the “Streams” header near the bottom of the page. In the next screen titled “Create a new stream”, type in any stream name of your choosing. Click "Create Stream."
Congratulations! You’ve created a new Livepeer stream and should see a screen like the one below.
Don’t click out of this screen just yet … you’ll need to copy and paste a couple of things from here in order to send video into the Livepeer network for transcoding.
(If you already have OBS installed on your computer, skip to the next step)
NOTE: Though you can use any broadcasting software or capture device you'd like with Livepeer Video Services, we'll use OBS for this example.
In a new browser tab, go here to download OBS, a free, open-source video broadcaster software.
Set up the “Audio Input Capture”, as shown in the screenshot below, by clicking on:
Set up the “Video Capture Device”, as shown in the screenshot below, by clicking on:
In the screen that pops up, do the following:
Open OBS and click on:
From the newly created stream page click on “Reveal stream key”. Copy the stream key and paste it into the "Stream Key" field.
Copy the “RTMP ingest URL” and paste it into the Server section of the OBS Stream Settings.
You should see something like this when clicking the “Show” button:
Click Ok on that screen to save your settings and go back on the main OBS screen. Click “Start Streaming" on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Voila, your stream is now getting transcoded!
NOTE: You can use a number of video players to watch Livepeer transcoded streams (see Livepeer's Support Matrix for more details). In this example, we’ll use Theo Player.
Open TheoPlayer in a new tab on your browser, then:
For more information on other broadcast software and players we support, take a look at our feature support matrix.
What did you think of this tutorial? Give us any feedback on how it can be improved and send over any questions you might have by emailing us at We’d love to help you stream using!